I often joke that I love books more than I love people. You know that's not true (especially if you are the receiver of my fangirl ways...oh wait...that's literally everyone on the planet) but I really, REALLY love books. They are such a huge part of my life, and I am so thankful for my parents for raising me to always be reading. I carry at least one book with me wherever I go because I am also chronically early for things.
People often ask me "how do you find time to read?" Um...I make time. Because it is something I find enjoyable and it brings me more happiness than almost anything in the world! If I didn't read, I would be miserable! The other night, we had some cast bonding time and were asking each other hypothetical questions about being stuck on a deserted island. The question of "what book/series would you want with you?" arose. At first I panicked, because that is like choosing a child to me. I...I...Can't I bring them all?! It got me thinking about my favorite books of all time and what I would recommend to people who don't inherently find themselves stuck in a book. I am often asked for reading recommendations and I love lists soooo...this happened:
KT's Top Ten Books/Series - Fall time is a perfect time to READ!! Get a book, make some tea, and escape to somewhere amazing.
1. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
This classic is my top, number one, favorite book of all time. If you haven't read it, just do yourself a favor and join the millions of fans in the world. If you have read it, take a second trip to Maycomb, Alabama! You will not be disappointed either way. I have read this book countless times, and was fortunate enough to bring the story to life in college. Playing Mayella is one of my very favorite memories from NKU, and there is a reason this story is a classic. You can find something new and discover another facet of the story every time you read it.
2. Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett
I love Neil Gaiman. I have read all of his books and yet I always have to find where they are in every bookstore I ever enter. Why?! Why do I do this?! I honestly don't know. Good Omens is my favorite thing he has ever written. It is hilarious, and creepy, and beautiful, and breathtaking, and terrifying. Get ready for apocalyptic, angel of death REALNESS.
3. The Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien
This is what I chose to bring with me if I were to be stranded on that hypothetical deserted island. Yes I chose the whole trilogy (the rule was book OR SERIES, OKAY?!). I just...I just love LOTR so much. I can't even really put it into words (real eloquent, KT). You have all probably seen the movies (I may or may not have chosen those for the movies I could bring with me on the deserted island too), but if you are looking for something to read and you enjoy fantasy in any way, please do yourself a favor and just begin the delightful journey through Middle Earth.
4. How I Live Now by Meg Rosoff
Sigh...This. Book. I have read this book over 50 times and I really wish I was exaggerating. It's a quick read and at this point I can just read it in a few hours. It's my ultimate comfort book, because I connect with Daisy more than any other literary character EVER. It's very YA, so proceed with that in mind. Once I emailed Meg Rosoff, and she provided me with an insight that became one of my every day affirmations - "People with eating disorders are just hungry for life, if we can only realign our hunger."
5. Harry Potter by JK Rowling
I mean....do I really need to say anything?
6. The Giver by Lois Lowr
In my HUMBLE opinion, the best YA novel to ever exist. A classic, as far as I'm concerned.
7. The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom
People are often surprised at how much I adore this book, but I will defend it to the death. If you need a feel good, every thing happens for a reason, every end is the beginning, insert cliche positive affirmation here, pick up a copy of this. If you're ready for some ugly crying, pick up a copy of this. If you need a reminder that life is amazing and that you matter, pick up a copy of this.
8. Wild by Cheryl Strayed
I have written a review of this book here. Strayed's journey of self discovery is just incredible, and I love the honesty and brutality...which makes the payoff all the better in the end.
9. The 19th Wife by David Ebershoff
My strange obsession : Fundamentalist Mormonism. Seriously, talk to me about it please. This quote sums it up best: "Happiness is a risk, and Mormon Polygamy is full of gamblers, leading lives of purpose and drama, all the things I want in my own life."
10. The Mammy, The Chisellers, and The Granny by Brendan O'Carroll
You can blow through this trilogy in three days at MOST. You won't want to put down this Irish family tale and you'll fall so in love with the characters that you'll feel like part of the family. As you read about their struggles and triumphs, you will likely shed a happy tear as you watch the children grow and pass on the familial love to the next generation.
What are you reading? I'd love to know YOUR top ten!! Happy reading!
Angela and I

Monday, September 29, 2014
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
I Know Things Now...
It is certainly no secret that rehearsals for "Into The Woods" are in full swing at freeFall! If there is one thing actors are good at, it is letting the world know how #blessed we are and bragging about #bookingit via social media. I am definitely a culprit, but like...why not?! I want the world to know how excited I am to be playing a dream role at the theatre I am #soblessed to call home!
It's also no secret that this show, like any Sondheim musical, is a doozy musically and lyrically. I definitely feel challenged...something that excites me and terrifies me simultaneously. It excites me because I am a Virgo/achiever/leftbrained/go-getter who LOVES to get stuff done and cross off a sensible to do list. It terrifies me because I have a perfectionist/anxious/never-good-enough mind, and I put a lot of pressure on myself. In the words of the show though, I know that "I am not alone."
Being in this process brings to mind feelings from another show I was in a few years ago. I joke about it now (to hide the tears lol) but it was one of the worst and most humiliating weeks of my entire life. At the time, I got even more upset trying to find meaning behind what happened. The only solace I found was Mark Hardy telling me that "sometimes stuff just sucks." Yep, this life lesson has officially taken 3 years to fully comprehend.
You guys know this story so I won't spell it out for you. Let's just say that I put so much pressure on myself to perform this role (Beth March in "Little Women") that everything else became secondary. Aka - It took over my whole life and I completely stopped taking care of myself. I ate even less. I spent hours in practice rooms doing more beating myself up than actually singing. I cried at every vocal lesson. I was having a lot of trouble with my voice anyway, due to my restriction. There was a complete chunk of my range that was just gone. From about a C (above middle C) to F which is like...kind of necessary for musical theatre, especially roles that I am right for. I would try and only air would squeak out -- Beth March literally sits right in that range. I was absolutely terrified and panicked and was trying every Jamey Strawn trick in the book. But nothing was working. And then, I lost my voice. All of it.
I was unable to sing or speak and for the majority of the performances, Harli (who was playing Amy) sang my songs into a microphone off stage. Talk about embarrassing. It was the closest I've ever gotten to just throwing in the towel and screaming (figuratively, of course because I couldn't produce any sound) "I QUIT ACTING FOREVERRRRR!!"
Last night at rehearsal we worked on "I Know Things Now." Not only is the universe bonking me on the head with that title, but it's giving me nice little reminders that even though I am feeling anxious and worried and nervous about this challenging music, the answer is absolutely not to stop taking care of myself. That is actually the opposite of what I need to do! I know it seems like "duh, KT of course" but you would be surprised how right it feels at the time. We are all guilty of it! But I am here to tell you that taking care of yourself needs to be your NUMBER ONE PRIORITY. It's a lesson I learned the hard way.
But you know what? I know things now.
Monday, September 1, 2014
So, I obviously haven't been blogging much. I could go through the whole rigmarole of being sorry and making excuses and talking about how I'm SOOOO busy, but here's the thing I've learned over these past 11 months: I can do whatever I want, and no one can stop me. It's a good feeling. A few weeks ago social media and blogging got to be a little too much, so I backed away. It wasn't making me feel good, it was making me feel crazy, so I focused my writing on works of fiction and my time on living my life. It's been nice. I still will definitely blog, but I want to change the focus slightly. I'll still talk about my recovery because it is such an intense part of who I am and an integral part of my story. But this past month I have made many realizations and one important one was that I am not my disorder. Near the middle of this month, I just decided to act like I was recovered. Work from the outside in, instead of the other way around. Easier said than done, obviously, but it's been extremely liberating.
I'm not going to pretend like I've been having an easy time these past few days. I feel like I'm being put through the ringer in terms of my depression, axiety, and insomnia. And what's even more frustrating is it's all brain chemistry because for all intents and purposes, things are going great!! I love my city, I love my friends, I love my job, and I'm so excited for so many things coming up!! Just another reminder that no one chooses mental illness. And just another reminder that I'm a warrior who will get through this.
Sooooo, it's September 1st!! MY FAVORITE MONTH...and Happy 11 months to me! That means a special post. Here are 11 things I am grateful for, if you care to know:
1. My Mom. I feel like I've just been a LOT lately. Just a big ol' bundle of extreme emotions. My Mom is my best friend and I don't know what I would do without her. She always picks up the phone and listens to me cry for no reason. She always lets me complain about things. She always texts me about books or recipes or kitties. She cracks me up. She's just...THE BEST.
2. I'm feeling exceptionally grateful for my bestie for the restie, Robyn. Yesterday, I called her bawling my eyes out and ended up laughing so hard I was crying. I swear to God, we are the funniest people in the world. It's hard being away from her, but I love her so much it's absurd.
3. I can't express enough how happy I am that I chose to move here and like...be a person here in sunny St. Pete. Every single day I'm reminded that it was the right decision.
4. My siblings.
5. My friends who hold me up and keep me going every single day: I'm looking at you Jessica, Sarah, and Jan!!
6. My St. Pete Family, my St. Pete bestie, and my Burnt Part Boys.
7. Angela
8. New and exciting projects coming up.
9. My tiny home!!
10. Being a part of this incredible theatre community, and being able to do what I love.
11. These past 11 months. Every single one of them. They've been hard. There have been bad days. But I'm pretty pumped about where I am now, compared to September 1st, 2013.
ed recovery,
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